OSPI/AESD Professional Learning Network Evaluation

The Evaluation of OSPI/AESD Professional Learning Network aims to understand the changes in school staff or early learning educator practice and student performance indicators for the nine Educational Service Districts (ESDs) serving Washington State.

The AESD Research, Evaluation and Data Center (hosted by the Puget Sound ESD) partnered with Kauffman and Associates (KAI), Inc. to develop an overarching theory of action and logic models to guide an evaluation plan.

KAI has a combined experience of 60 years of evaluating educational program at the federal and state levels. KAI conducts high-quality, culturally appropriate research among diverse populations to produce data that create knowledge, explore issues, improve programs, and inform policy making. KAI’s staff also has extensive experience in various forms of social science research. KAI’s team uses both qualitative and quantitative methods, including focus groups, interviews, archival research and surveys, all with an emphasis on applicable results, analyzed and synthesized for maximum program and policy impact.

Kauffman & Associates Incorporated


The following documents provide guidance and resources that will inform 2019-20 evaluation activities:

OSPI/AESD Professional Learning Network Evaluation Plan Manual

Assembles all evaluation materials with a description of key procedures.

Evaluation Plan

Describes the evaluation activities that address the outputs and outcomes and the data that is needed to conduct the evaluation.

Theory of Action (TOA) and Logic Model

Illustrates the assumptions underlying the design of OSPI/AESD Professional Learning that will lead to desired outcomes. In a simple diagram, the OSPI-AESD Professional Development TOA (see Appendix A) illustrates how a statewide, coordinated professional learning program will result in an increased number of education personnel using pedagogical content best practices. The logic model shows the route traveled to reach desired changes with additional details about activities and outcomes.

Fellows Action Plan

Fellows are instructional leaders who support district and community efforts to implement the Washington State K-12 Learning Standards in mathematics, English Language Arts (ELA), and science, and/or for the Early Learning Guidelines. The Action Plan tracks Fellows’ work to build capacity in schools, districts and communities.

PDfor.us Database

Database Overview

PDfor.us features on-demand just-in-time reporting that will enable Content-Area Coordinators, Assistant Superintendents and Superintendents in the OSPI/AESD Professional Learning Network to customize reports about professional development sessions.  Launched in June 2018, PDforUs replaces Survey Gizmo as a means to gather data.


Additional Information

Please contact us with questions, comments or updates.

Hilary Loeb hloeb@psesd.org, Director of Strategy, Evaluation and Learning, Puget Sound Education Service District

Cassandra O’Francia cofrancia@psesd.org, Program Coordinator, Strategy, Evaluation, and Learning, Puget Sound Educational Service District

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