Professional Learning

Continuous Learning Supports

The nine ESDs are supporting school districts statewide with a suite of continuous learning professional development opportunities. Learning opportunities focus on the “Why”, the “How”, and the “What” for implementing systems and structures that leads to quality learning experiences for students.

LMS Solutions

Districts across the state are streamlining how they deliver remote instruction via one or two “Learning Management Systems”  (LMS platforms) through which teachers deliver instruction and engage students in learning. The AESD is supporting these efforts by offering professional learning and technical support to educators and district leaders focused on five LMS platforms: Canvas, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Schoology, and Seesaw. This training and support is made possible by federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding through the CARES Act to Washington State.

LMS Solutions: Best Practices for Continuous Learning

LMS Solutions: Best Practices for Continuous Learning is the next series of on-demand courses for participants to engage in a wide variety of professional learning around high-leverage teaching practices that support continuous learning for each student. The courses allow participants to collaborate virtually across the state.

LMS 101 Series

This series consists of “on-demand” professional learning opportunities to help educators get started with setting up and integrating LMS platforms into their classrooms. Educators can learn when it works best for their schedules.

District, Family & Community Resources

Resources will be available for districts to use as they partner with families and community-based organizations, including child care partners, to support distance learning.

Regional LMS Educator Network

These peer-to-peer learning networks consist of building/district technology and teacher leaders within regions and across the state. The goal is to build local expertise and capacity within districts and schools to support effective LMS implementation.

Professional Development Session Recordings

Interested in learning about the different Learning Management Systems but don’t need the clock hours? Or did you attend a session and want to re-watch? We’ve posted the recorded sessions and presentations at the links below. 

Distance Learning System Supports

Through the AESD’s partnership with ReImagine Wa Ed (Jeff Utecht), professional learning is available to help educators and administrators establish structures and systems necessary for high quality distance learning at the district, building, and classroom levels. Sessions are available for educators and administrators wherever you are in your distance learning journey.

Remote Learning Professional Development for Educators

The nine ESDs continue to design and deliver high quality statewide professional learning opportunities for educators in a distance learning environment. Opportunities for learning include topics ranging from Mathematics, English language Arts, Special Education, Inclusionary Practices, to STEM learning opportunities and more. Check out course offerings by clicking here. Don’t see anything you’re looking for?  Contact your local ESD and ask – each ESD offers numerous additional trainings and may be able to customize to meet specific district, school or educator needs and interests.

Additional content area professional learning resources for continuous learning can also be found on OSPI’s OER Hub in their Continuous Learning Collections.

Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit

Two Locations, One Quality Program

Summit West
October 16-18 | SeaTac, WA

Summit East
October 17-19 | Spokane, WA

Join us for three transformative days at the AI Innovation Summit, where district and building teams will explore the power of artificial intelligence in K-12 education.