Thanks to the 2017 expansion of their facilities, ESD 123 is proud to host the 2018 AESD Conference in their own facilities. The conference will be held at their Professional Development Center and main ESD campus, located at 3924 W. Court St. in Pasco, WA.
Opening up an online registration process for the annual ESD statewide conference is just one of several big changes coming to the traditional gathering. ESD 123 in Pasco, Washington is hosting the 2018 AESD Conference, and we are reimagining this annual event as an opportunity for the many leaders within each Washington ESD to come together and enjoy two full days of networking. Our theme, The Power of the Network, looks to uncover the networks inside the Network and leverage each other’s strengths.
Online registration isn’t the only new idea for the 2018 conference. In an effort to support this renewed level of networking and challenge our thinking, the invitation to attend the 2018 AESD Conference is open to leaders from all areas of the ESDs, including superintendents, board members, program/department directors, specialists, and more. The 2018 conference will be an opportunity for participants to meet with and learn from their “job alikes” or counterparts in similar roles.
Lastly, we not only want these new participants to attend the conference in April – we want them to consider presenting! On Friday, April 13, the conference agenda will include breakout sessions, and ESD 123 has opened up a call for proposals. We are seeking a broad range of topical presentations for breakout sessions, which must have a clear and applicable tie to the conference theme.
The 2018 AESD Conference is focused on the current and potential power that exists when our nine educational service districts partner together. As Aristotle was quoted, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” We hope that you will join us in April in Pasco!