Professional Learning Network

Inclusionary Practices News & Tips

AESD Inclusionary Practices (IP) supports coordinated professional learning for school leadership teams. Its purpose is to support educators and school leaders with developing and implementing sustainable systems, structures, and practices that support all students with meaningful access and engagement in inclusive learning environments.

AESD IP Podcast Series | The UDL Approach

As part of their inclusion work, AESD IP coordinators have been engaging in professional learning with renowned Universal Design for Learning (UDL) author and consultant Dr. Loui Lord Nelson. This professional learning led to the opportunity to be featured on Dr. Nelson’s podcast UDL in 15 Minutes. In 11 podcast episodes, school leaders and AESD IP coordinators from around the state share their stories of implementation, which you can listen to below. UDL is a framework to optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. For more information, check out the full library of UDL in 15 Minutes podcasts or these other UDL resources published by Dr. Nelson.

Episode 98 - How students established the push for inclusion

Sara Lucero and Cassie Stevens return for part 2 of their story about how inclusion became a central part of Olympic View Elementary School.

Episode 97 - How one principal is dismantling self-contained classrooms with the help of UDL

This episode continues our journey with the Inclusionary Practices Project in Washington. Sara Lucero, the principal of Olympic Park Elementary School, shares the steps she took to shift away from self-contained environments to inclusive classrooms and how UDL influenced that shift. Cassie Stevens shares how the project supported Sara’s vision and actions.

Episode 96 - Student stories and the power of UDL from Castlerock Early Childhood Learning Center

You know you’ve got a strong design when other districts want to visit and learn from you. Janelle, Heidi, and Emily share some #UDL-driven student-specific stories in Part 2 of their podcast about Castlerock Early Childhood Learning Center in Wenatchee School District.

Episode 95 – Janelle Bersch, Emily Wilgus, and Heidi Schroeder, Part 1

Janelle Bersch, Emily Wilgus, and Heidi Schroeder share how they’re using UDL to create classrooms where all students have access to what they need. Period.

Episode 94 – Kelley Correio and Laurie Sarver

Finding the time and energy to get going with UDL (and to keep going) takes focus. Kelley Correio from ESD 123 and Laurie Sarver from Kennewick School District in Washington share an honest story of how they’ve put theory into practice to move the idea of UDL into practice across the district.

Episode 93 – Kathleen Lenihan and Courtney Sund

The Highland School District began their journey with UDL in 2019. In just three years, they’ve made measurable strides by adopting the 1% change concept. Small changes over time lead to big growth. Kathleen Lenihan and Courtney Sund share the steps they’ve taken during this journey.

Episode 92 – Lindsay Hicks

Lindsay Hicks Frazier, an inclusionary practice project lead who works through ESD 101, shares how Valley District’s leadership aligned around inclusive practices and how their professional development includes everyone, from teachers to bus drivers.

Episode 91 – Ann Renker and Victoria Kalscheuer

We know that choice is important for all learners, so when building leaders embed choice in building PD, engagement goes up! Ann and Victoria share how they wove in choice and authentic learning and the incredible outcomes staff achieved at Blue Heron Middle School.

Episode 90 – Gahlya Auel and Liza Sejkora

Gahlya and Liza share how Ocean Beach School District has used administrative PLCs to look at LRE data and student report data on their sense of belonging, make decisions, and affect significant change in their schools around inclusion and instruction.

Episode 89 – Jenny Parker

Jenny Parker, the regional administrator for special programs and professional development with ESD 113 in the state of Washington brings us the overarching ideas that can help teachers start with UDL: replicating the practice of others who are more experienced, co-planning, and self-reflection using video recording.

Episode 88 – Cassie Stevens and Lori Scott

The Inclusionary Practices Project in the state of Washington has had a statewide impact that every educator needs to hear about. This is the first podcast in a series that shares how these educators have improved inclusive practices across the state and it all started during covid lockdown!

IP News & Stories

Inclusive Schools Week 2022

Inclusive Schools Week 2022

AESD Network, along with many other schools and organizations throughout the nation celebrate Inclusive School WeekTM during the first week in December. The Week highlights the progress that schools have made in implementing...

Inclusion in Action

Inclusion in Action

Washington’s nine Educational Service Districts (ESDs), unified through the Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD Network), support 140 school/district teams across the state with implementing inclusionary practices. The AESD is one of several statewide...

Inclusive Education: Changing Seasons, Systems, & Practices

Inclusive Education: Changing Seasons, Systems, & Practices

Winter is upon us once more and as we change our clothes, replace our sandals with boots, adjust to shorter days, and perhaps put winter tires on our vehicles, we are reminded of the constant changes in our lives. Some people relish the changing season, while others...

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Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit

Two Locations, One Quality Program

Summit West
October 16-18 | SeaTac, WA

Summit East
October 17-19 | Spokane, WA

Join us for three transformative days at the AI Innovation Summit, where district and building teams will explore the power of artificial intelligence in K-12 education.