Professional Learning Network

Statewide Professional Learning Initiatives

Teams from the AESD and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) work closely to support high quality instruction through professional learning opportunities and networks, instructional and coaching supports, and customized technical assistance at the local and regional levels.

Career Connected Learning

Career Connected Learning brings government resources and the private sector together with a sustainable career connected learning system to address persistent educational opportunity gaps and meet employers’ workforce needs.

Teri Kessie

AESD Initiative Liaison

Climate Science Coordination & Training

To provide grants to Educational Service Districts and community-based organizations for science training in the Washington State Science Learning Standards, including climate science education standards.

Andrew Eyres

AESD Initiative Liaison

Computer Science Coordination & Training

The AESD computer science network supports statewide integration of computer science education to include: developing the capacity of network leadership, increasing student access, and promoting equity to computer science education for all students.

Andrew Eyres

AESD Initiative Liaison

Early Learning Coordination & Training

Continued Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program, Early Head Start and Head Start funding will ensure statewide capacity to offer comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and family support services to ensure all students are kindergarten ready.

Julie Rolling

AESD Initiative Liaison

English Language Arts Coordination & Training

ESDs provide the latest evidence-based research and best instructional practices in literacy instruction and assessment, consistent with OSPI’s Learning Standard, leveraging grants to support early literacy. Continued literacy funding will expand these efforts to more students in our state.

Mike Nerland

AESD Initiative Liaison

Inclusionary Practices Project

The AESD Inclusionary Practices Project supports coordinated professional learning for building leadership teams across the state by developing a professional learning delivery model that leverages the expertise of our AESD network and statewide partners.

Mathematics Coordination & Training

Continued funding Mathematics Coordination and Training will ensure teaching practices continue to be aligned to math standards, resulting in increased content knowledge among students and higher levels of achievement.

Linda McKay

AESD Initiative Liaison

School Safety Centers

School Safety Centers allows educational service districts to implement regional school safety and security programs.

Susan Lathrop

AESD Initiative Liaison

Science Coordination &

Continued funding Science and Coordination and Training will ensure teaching practices continue to be aligned to national science standards, resulting in increased content knowledge among students and higher levels of achievement.

Andrew Eyres

AESD Initiative Liaison

Social, Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning will help students build awareness and skills in managing emotions, setting goals, establishing relationships, and making responsible decisions that support success in school and life.

Ric Pilgrim

AESD Initiative Liaison


Network Evaluation

The Evaluation of OSPI/AESD Professional Learning Network aims to understand the changes in school staff or early learning educator practice and student performance indicators for the nine Educational Service Districts (ESDs) serving Washington State.

OSPI/AESD Executive Network Leadership Team


State Superintendent
Chris Reykdal

Chief of Staff
Tennille Jeffries Simmons

Deputy Superintendent
Michaela W. Miller

Chief Financial Officer
T.J. Kelly

Gov’t Relations Executive Director
Nasue Nishida


Superintendent Chair
Tim Merlino

Superintendent Vice Chair
Michelle Price

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning, Chair
Linda McKay

Fiscal Lead
Gavin Hottman

Legislative Liaison
Melissa Gombosky

AESD / OSPI Executive Director
Jessica Vavrus

OSPI/CSA Executive Sponsors | Champions

Fellows (Math, Science, ELA)

Superintendent Representative
Jessica Vavrus, AESD Network

Assistant Superintendent
Mike Nerland, ESD 112

Science Content System Support

Superintendent Representative
Dana Anderson, CRESD

Assistant Superintendent
Andrew Eyres, CRESD

Math Content System Support

Superintendent Representative
Dana Anderson, CRESD

Assistant Superintendent
Linda McKay, NCESD

English Language Arts Content System Support

Superintendent Representative
Mike Dunn, NEWESD

Assistant Superintendent
Mike Nerland, ESD 112

Student and School Success

Superintendent Representative
Darcy Weisner, ESD 123

Assistant Superintendent
Pam Estvold, NWESD

Early Learning | WaKIDS | Full Day Kindergarten

Superintendent Representative
Kevin Chase, ESD 105
Tim Merlino, ESD 112

Assistant Superintendent
Julie Rolling, PSESD

Student Support

Superintendent Representative
Greg Lynch, OESD

Assistant Superintendent
Mick Miller, NEWESD

Data Quality and Coaching

Superintendent Representative
Dana Anderson, CRESD

Assistant Superintendent
Mick Miller, NEWESD

Teacher & Principal Evaluation Practice (TPEP)

Superintendent Representative
Greg Lynch, OESD

Assistant Superintendent
Susan Lathrop, OESD

Special Education

Superintendent Representative
Tim Merlino, ESD 112

Assistant Superintendent
Teri Kessie, ESD 123

Migrant, Bilingual

Superintendent Representative
Kevin Chase, ESD 105

Assistant Superintendent
Ric Pilgrim, ESD 105

Committee Liaisons

AESA Executive Council

John Welch


Mike Dunn

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

John Welch

Building Bridges | Dropout Prevention

Dana Anderson

Charter Schools

John Welch

Department of Children, Youth & Families

Kevin Chase | Tim Merlino

Governor’s Office

Melissa Gombosky

House | Senate Staff

Melissa Gombosky

Migrant Programs

Kevin Chase

OSPI Cabinet

Dana Anderson | Tim Merlino

Professional Standards Educators Board

Dana Anderson

Rural Education Center

Mike Dunn

Skills Centers | Alternative Education

Larry Francois

State Board of Community and Technical Colleges

John Welch

WASA Board

Michelle Price

WASA Legislative & Finance Committee

Larry Francois

Washington State Board of Education

Kevin Chase

Washington State Leadership Academy

Mike Dunn

Washington State Safety Advisory Committee

Greg Lynch

Washington STEM

Darcy Weisner

Washington Student Achievement Council

Darcy Weisner


John Welch


Dana Anderson

Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit

Two Locations, One Quality Program

Summit West
October 16-18 | SeaTac, WA

Summit East
October 17-19 | Spokane, WA

Join us for three transformative days at the AI Innovation Summit, where district and building teams will explore the power of artificial intelligence in K-12 education.