Artificial Intelligence in K-12

AI in K-12

Kickstarting the Future with the AESD Network

As the world explores the implications and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in education, our state’s nine Educational Service Districts, unified through the Association of ESDs (AESD) Network, are here to support you.

Statewide Networking and Learning Sessions

This fall we are launching a series of statewide networking and learning sessions focused on the state of Artificial Intelligence in our K-12 system. We are excited to bring together school and district system leaders to to elevate and explore top of mind AI issues together.

Each session will engage school/district leaders in:

Shared learning

District networking and sharing (breakout sessions)

Resource sharing and additional learning opportunities for educators to access

Register today for our third session!

AI Learning Series Session 3: AI in Action
May 20, 2024 at 12:00pm – 1:30pm

Attend the third session of our AI in K-12 series, tailored specifically for district and building leaders across the state. This installment will provide an in-depth look at the latest state-level AI guidance and resources. Deepen your understanding and enhance your strategic implementation of AI technologies.

Gather with your peers in job-alike breakout rooms. Engage with professionals at the forefront of integrating AI in their areas of expertise. Explore their processes and discuss shared objectives in an interactive, collaborative environment.

This session will feature insights from seasoned district and building leaders as well as expert representatives from OSPI and WSSDA. Join us to navigate key questions and share strategies in the pursuit of pioneering educational practices:

  • How have you instructed staff on the use of AI (or how do you plan to)?
  • How has your district supported you in the use of AI?
  • What are the visions and goals moving forward?
  • What are you considering as you are moving forward?

The session will conclude with learning about the current and upcoming opportunities available around the state, as well as the opportunity to share your needs going forward.

Past Session Materials

Session 1: Bringing AI to School Systems – Support for Leaders
October 30, 2023

This first session included a keynote from Kris Hagel, Director of Digital Learning at Peninsula School District, and several breakout sessions ranging from Ethical AI Use to an open Q&A discussion with Superintendents.

Session 2: Implementing AI for Administrative Efficiency
January 22, 2024 at 12:00pm – 1:30pm

This second session integrated feedback from participants in our first session. Discussion and presentation room topics included:

Breakout Session A: Beginning the AI Guidance/Process (AI Toolkit)

This session aims to provide participants with insights into the ongoing policy creation processes across the state. Additionally, they will be introduced to one of the current toolkits available to educators. Given the State of Washington’s current focus on policy guidance, this session presents an invaluable opportunity for individuals eager to expand their knowledge in this area.

Breakout Session B: Effective Prompt Strategies-Enhancing AI Prompts for Optimal Results

It’s important to ensure that the right information is fed into AI systems as its usefulness depends on the quality of the input. This session will concentrate on the essential information that Administrators require to work effectively and efficiently, as well as how to elicit responses from AI that will enhance and benefit their work.

Breakout Session C: Summarizing and Streamlining Communications with AI

Wouldn’t it be great to have an assistant to summarize meetings and long, tedious documents? There’s an AI for that! How much time would you save if you could create clear, streamlined communications the first time–instead of sending out updates and clarifications? There’s an AI for that, too! In this session, we will demonstrate tools like Chat GPT, ChatPDF, PopAI, Zoom AI Companion, and more!

Breakout Session D: AI in Action: Practical Applications for Administrators

This presentation delves into the practical applications of AI from the perspective of two experienced administrators. They will share strategies and techniques in harnessing AI tools to elevate their work – individually and organizationally. Attendees will gain insights into real-world scenarios where AI has been effectively integrated into administrative processes, enhancing productivity and decision-making.

Breakout Session E: Data-Driven Insights: Using School District Analytics with AI

Using data to make informed decisions is critical for any school system. In this session, participants will gain insights into utilizing AI to assess district data and establishing supportive systems for data collection. Additionally, there will be discussions on the challenges related to AI, privacy concerns, and the boundaries of utilizing student data.

Breakout Session F: AI Integration: Engaging Tech Departments

Technology departments play a critical role in meeting the teaching and learning needs of today’s educational environment. This session will emphasize the importance of involving and collaborating with your technology department in all aspects of AI planning and policy design, highlighting essential requirements and potential challenges related to privacy, data security, and the educational needs of students.

Upcoming Statewide AI Classes

Click on a listing below to learn more and register:


Additional resources coming soon!

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